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Welcome to our Home Page
Quality tree service, located in Quakertown, Pa,18951
Serving Bucks and Montgomery Counties since 1990.
Now serving Berks, Lehigh and Northampton Counties
Click Picture's to see a video
Tree Service, Tree Removal, Tree Pruning, Storm Damage, Tree Trimming, Tree Care
Black's Tree and Landscape 215-4MY-TREE

*****We are still here for your Tree Care needs during the pandemic (COVID-19) *****
In addition to our standard PPE ( Personal Protective Equipment ), our employees are taking additional protection.
Crew members are practicing social distancing from each other and our clients.
Crew members are provided hand sanitizer
Crew members are provided masks
Trucks are disinfected
Crew members are driving separate vehicles to job sites
Online payments are available
Our team of experts are available to provide estimates while adhering to safe distancing practices - you can even remain in the safety of your home, you may direct us from your window and your phone (marking your trees with paint or ribbon prior to us coming out can be helpful)
All jobs start with the safety of our employees, customers and job site. Because maintaining the health and safety of your trees is essential, we have taken these steps to keep our clients and employees safe.
Thank you for considering us.
James Black Blacks Tree and Landscape 215-4MY-TREE 215-469-8733